mel Robinson mel Robinson

What is your word for 2021?

Instead of a rigid New Year's Resolution, a word of the year is a constant—yet gentle—reminder to focus on creating positive change. I use my word of the year to help guide my decisions and nudges me towards my purpose. After reflecting on 2020 I have found the perfect word for 2021.

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mel Robinson mel Robinson

Death of an Ego

In this moment I realised that my Ego was in charge and not me. The Ego makes you over-estimate your own abilities and worth, and under-estimate the effort and skill required to achieve your goals. I realised this and decided to take a stand. I might not be able actually kill my ego, but I can sure stop listening to it – particularly when it plays into my fears and failure. See how I tackled this tricky situation.

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mel Robinson mel Robinson

Building and Finding Your Way

During the careful placement of stones, I realised I needed to launch my ‘Finding Your Way’ program. You see my purpose is to help others navigate their souls’ purpose and Find Your Way. It made perfect sense and the Inuksuk is the perfect representation of this.

Like the Inuksuk we need to place markers along the way to recognise when important parts of our selves are revealed, so they are remembered, and we are able to come back to them easily.

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mel Robinson mel Robinson

Your Souls Expansion

Uncovering your true path, purpose, destiny – whatever you want to call it, is not a simple process. Like Shrek when he likened himself to an onion with many complicated layers, there is so much self-discovery in walking this path. Here are some of my reflections on this journey as well as some tips.

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