Your Souls Expansion

Once we realise that there is a yearning for something more, then the real work begins.

Uncovering your true path, purpose, destiny – whatever you want to call it, is not a simple process. Like Shrek when he likened himself to an onion with many complicated layers, there is so much self-discovery in walking this path.

The key to some of this work is to understand yourself. There are many tools available if you want to start exploring this. My favorites are the Enneagram (free) or DiSC (there are some free versions available) as they are fairly simple – a great start to your journey.

Whilst these tools are helpful there is another level of insight that can be gained from listening to your soul speaking. This ‘listening’ might be noticing a book that catches your eye or someone pays you a compliment about a skill you never acknowledged before. By paying attention to these subtle nudges this will help move you towards your highest potential.

There is always a constant tension doing this work. There is the busyness of life versus the need for quiet reflection and solitude. The choice of binging on Netflix rather than writing a reflection in a journal. Know that there is no ‘right’ answer. Maybe while watching Netflix a scene of a story brings a realization for you? No matter which way you ebb or flow, just remember to be kind to yourself. Being judgmental and making yourself journal or meditate or relax will not work – you know that!

Your soul’s expansion will bring great joy but may also uncover some areas in your life that are hard to address. As much as you might be able to work around these big boulders, breaking into them will give you gifts beyond measure. Its these ‘hard’ things that once understood, expand your knowing and bring you another step closer to your calling.

One area that I resisted for much time was my ability to instinctively know what is going on inside people I meet. It’s quite uncomfortable to be able to feel the pain of others as they traverse an internal fiend. The more I resisted this knowledge the more I withdrew from others. This did not serve me well.

When I did finally let go of this resistance and asked gentle questions to tease the issue out from others, great joy would fill the air. People would feel their burdens lighten, see another path than despair or regain that spark that bolstered them forward. Without that bravery to address my fears I would not have been able to help those around me in that special way.

Your soul’s expansion is a unique journey that only you can undertake. But remember you do not need to take that journey alone. If you are interested in exploring and understanding yourself a little more, try my Finding Your Way single session. Alternatively, you may think that this is a bigger journey; try my Finding Your Way program – tailored to your particular journey, register your interest here. If none of these feel right for you, just keep reading, exploring and follow those breadcrumbs that your soul is leaving you. Face each day with bravery and curiosity so that you can continue to become more aware of you.

I wish you well on finding your way.


Building and Finding Your Way


Insight and Wisdom: Does it come knocking or do you invite it in?